April 26, 2013

Adoption News Round-up

Welcome to this week’s adoption news round-up. Lots of news this week!


The Huffington Post generally does a pretty awesome job of covering adoption stories. They have adoption-related columns authored by adopters and adoptees of all backgrounds, and we really applaud their commitment to spreading inspiring stories and adoption awareness. Here, they have an entire segment on the Russian Adoption ban, “Not Just Adoption, But Healing,” with an amazing 15 minute video featuring adoptive parents who have been tragically affected by the ban. We’re so devastated for these families, but thankful that news outlets are giving them the opportunity to tell their stories.

After many high profile debates and what seemed like an endless decision-making process, France now allows same-sex marriage and adoption! We’re beyond thrilled to see another nation giving families and children the opportunity to come together.

The new adoption documentary “The Dark Matter of Love” is getting all sorts of wonderful press. Huffington Post featured a review on their blog by author, and adoptive mother, Tina Traster. Check out her website, juliaandme.com, for more information and stories about the memoir she’s writing about raising her daughter. This lengthy article in RIA Novosti is wonderful – giving a real in-depth look into the life of the family, including a video clip from the film. We can’t wait to see it!

This opinion piece in the Washington Post asserts that the Indian Child Welfare Act may need some limits. This is, of course, an extremely contentious issue, and emotions are running high on all accounts. Getting right to the heart of the issue, the article opens with any adoption industry’s worst nightmare – the one in which although love seems to be fueling everything, someone will walk away in pain. “Imagine one of those wrenching custody cases in which every side seems to have the child’s interests at heart but almost every fact is disputed. Many people — including the child in the middle of the fight — have pain ahead of them, no matter the outcome.”

This is a heartbreaking, but illuminating article about the adoption boom in Ethiopia, and its roots in a fake orphan racket. The trials of international adoption are many, and these issues are only perpetuated when individuals use the adoption industry to scam families – both birth and adoptive. Read this, and please share with families considering international adoption. We are not, by any means, speaking against international adoption, but merely spreading the word that the more research we do, the more we can protect the sanctity of the children and families who truly want to be united.