October 10, 2013

Adoption News Round-Up

As always, there’s a lot going on in the adoption world this week! Here’s a look at some of the biggest headlines to hit the news this week:

How do you feel about adoptive parents who adopt children, only to give them up to another family? Writer Joyce Maynard shares her personal story on Here and Now.

When it comes to adoption and same-sex parenting, who takes on the role of the primary parent? A non-biological of two children, one with her ex and one with her current partner, shares her thoughts on the Huffington Post.

A couple from our home state accepted the “Angels in Adoption” award in Washington D.C.! Jonathan and Kayla Craig were awarded for their efforts to adopt a little boy from Nigeria. We’re so thrilled to see an Iowa couple representing the adoption world!

Sandra Bullock is adopting a second child, and this time it looks like it’s going to be a girl!

Darryl McDaniels of Run DMC represents the wonderful success the foster system can have when a fostered child is given a family who supports them, and gives them to the tools to thrive. But as cleveland.com reports, this is not the experience that every foster child gets.

Russia continues to move forward with their adoption ban, now stopping all adoptions to Swedish parents.

US talk show host Laura Ingraham is leading a campaign to highlight all the damage that’s being done to orphaned children affected by the adoption ban. Visit the Telegraph for a link to an extremely emotional video featuring Russian adoptees in the US appealing to Putin to stop the ban.

It’s almost the weekend! Any news you’d like to share with us? Post it on our Facebook wall or shoot us an email at info@onetruegift.com.