October 21, 2013

Adoption News Round-up

A very busy and emotional week in the adoption world. Here are a few of the stories that caught our eyes, and hearts.

The first same-sex adoption was approved in France! It’s so good to see other countries moving towards equality in adoption, and we are thrilled to see this day has come for France.

57 years after she was adopted this woman discovered that her birth mother was her bus driver. Neither mother nor daughter knew that whole time that they were sharing time on the bus together every day. It’s pretty amazing the miracles that keep people in your life, even when you don’t expect it.

We posted this on Facebook earlier this week, but Davion Navar Henry Only broke hearts all across the world when he stood up in front of a church congregation and asked for someone to adopt him. His story is a devastating one. Born in prison, he has spent his life in foster care and has been looking for a “forever family” his whole life. Spread the word about this brave, inspiring young man – as part of the adoption community, we should all be doing anything we can to spread awareness and to try and find Davion a home.

Statistics are showing that twice as many girls have found homes through adoption in the past year than boys.
Any thoughts as to why that might be?

Dusten Brown, the father of Baby Veronica, has given up on his attempts to fight Veronica’s adoptive parents for custody, and has now committed to working with the couple on ways in which he could be involved in her life. Brown was recently honored in an elaborate ceremony by the National Congress of American Indians. This has been an incredibly difficult battle and very sad to watch. We pray and hope that all involved can now move forward in seeking peace.

Does divorce affect adoption? This is a question that, no doubt, many individuals would like to have answered. Lady Divorce attorney Melissa Bigelli tackles this on her blog.

Any news we missed? Share it with the community on our Facebook page!