November 25, 2015

Adoption News Roundup

Here is a look at some of the many articles that we’ve been reading this week. We hope you’ll enjoy these gems as much as we have!

5 adoption myths moms are sick and tired of hearing.” “5. If you adopt, you will get pregnant. Um… not if you don’t have a uterus you won’t. I had so many people say this to me, and I took an evil sort of pleasure in letting them know I no longer possessed the necessary equipment.” Amen, sister.

The lifelong effects of trauma in childhood.” Trauma can be managed, but it doesn’t ever fully go away. It completely shapes who we are, our worldview, how we interact with others, how we see ourselves in the context of the world around us. To fully empathize and support those who have experienced trauma, it is so imperative that we aim to understand the impact of trauma at its very core. This TED talk covers the issue excellently.

Not all adoptees are keen on National Adoption Month. This PSA certainly does not apply to all adoptees, but it is a point worth considering. Adoption is not the easiest, happiest road for everyone.

What an awesome thing to do. This woman wrote a letter to herself before she became an adoptive mom. What would you tell yourself prior to becoming a parent? What would you want your new-parent self to know?

Adoption stigma at school is a challenging situation to maneuver. But it definitely happens. This mother asked the Adoptive Families community what to do after her daughter took a picture of her birth father to school and, when asked where he was, said he was in prison. Among other things, now her best friend’s mother forbids her best friend with playing with her. How would you respond if this were your child?

The adoption wait often feels like it’s lasting forever. What tips would you give those enduring the wait?

A few tender adoption stories in honor of National Adoption Month. We love when people share their experiences with others! Not only does it give us all something to connect to, but it really helps to demystify a process that is such an unknown to so many. It also shows the deep, guttural love that fuels every adoption story.