October 25, 2016

Making Time For Wellness As A New Parent

We know. This headline seems laughable. Which new parent on the face of this Earth, unless they are a celebrity with a staff of 20, has time to do ANYTHING for themselves once their kids come along? Let alone something like…work out.

Here’s the thing. The best thing you can do for your child is to show them by example. In a time where childhood obesity is rampant, cancer is commonplace, and most food consumed by Americans isn’t real…wellness has to be a priority. And it’s not going to become one until you make it one.

It’s important to remember that having children doesn’t mean your own personal wellbeing has to suffer. Regardless of your intentions, it will, and that’s okay. It’s an unfathomable life transition, becoming a parent. One you can never even begin to imagine until a child is thrust in your arms and you’re right smack dab in the middle of it. But too often, having kids becomes the excuse for why we can’t take ourselves. And you know who witnesses and mimics every single thing we do? Our kids. Including when and how and if we focus on our own health. If they see you making your wellness a habit, they’re going to make it a habit for themselves as well. And that, my friends, is a massive win for the health and future of our little ones.

So how do you get your fitness routine back after becoming a parent?


  1. Schedule it. You’re not going to do it if it’s not part of your schedule. Look at your week and find consistent times where you’re best able to get away for 30-60 minutes. That may be in the morning before a partner goes to work, doing a yoga video in the afternoon while your child is napping, maybe even finding a lunch hour workout class or going on a run during lunch if you’re a working parent. But you have to plan it, schedule it, put it on your calendar, and consider it set in stone.


  1. Find an accountability partner. This is SO helpful. We are so much more likely to show up for something when we know someone else is depending on us, so tackling this challenge with another person is going to make a huge difference. They will keep you accountable, and vice versa. Plus it’s a fun and healthful way to keep your friends in your life during a crazy, whirlwind time.


  1. Do it in small increments. You don’t have a solid hour everyday? Okay, well what about 15 minutes? Consider working out in 15-minute increments 3-4 times a day rather than doing the whole thing at once.


  1. Find a gym with a childcare program. The YMCA is especially great for this. Your children get a little time to socialize with other kids their age, you get your workout in. Plus the trip there and back is a sweet routine both you and your little one can look forward to.


The bottom line is that it’s not easy to rebuild a fitness routine after becoming a parent. But with dedication and a pre-planned schedule, it’s something that will make a big difference in your life, and the life of your child.