October 10, 2017

October 10 Is World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. Did you know that is a thing? It is, and it is so very needed. Every year 1 in 4 people are affected by a mental health problem. That’s 25% of the population—a staggering number.

There are a lot of horrible stigmas about mental health, and they persist across the world. It’s a topic near and dear to the adoption world, because many children come into their adopted families via traumatic backgrounds that can cause a variety of mental health issues. The scope of mental health disorders is far-reaching, and it includes depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, post-adoption depression, postpartum depression, ADHD, OCD, schizophrenia, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, attachment disorders, and so much more.

Mental health issues affect individuals of every age and background. They can be chronic and persistent, they can be situational and temporary, they can be staggering, they can be low-level to a point where someone may feel it doesn’t need to be taken seriously, or they’re making too big of a deal out of it. They cause shame. Fear. Confusion. Sadness. Desperation.

One thing they are not is an experience you or your child has to endure alone. It is okay to not be okay. It does not mean you or your child are damaged and beyond repair. It does not mean that you do not deserve help. It does not mean that something is wrong with you. It is okay if some days, the only thing you or your child can bear to do is survive.

We cannot overstate this: you always deserve help. You always deserve someone to talk to. Our mental health is the most valuable thing we have. And you matter. What you need matters. What your child needs matters. Anyone who tells you otherwise, or does not support your mental health, does not have your best interest at heart. And your best interest is always at heart.

Do you or someone you know struggle with a mental health issue but don’t know where to turn? The National Institute of Mental Health has some excellent resources to get you started. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline offers 24/7 support with live counselors, including mental health referrals and crisis counseling. You do not need to be considering suicide to utilize or benefit from their services, but if you or someone you know is, please call:1-800-273-8255. They will help.

They have also shared a comprehensive list of resources on their website, offering specific resources and support for everyone from the LGBTQ population, to disaster relief victims, Native Americans, loss survivors, vets, attempt survivors, and more.

To anyone in our community struggling with mental health issues, we honor and speak up for you today, and we are here for you everyday.

You are loved.

You are not alone.

You are never alone.