April 19, 2019

Have A Great Weekend

Happy Spring! It’s (hopefully) here to stay. Some of you may have plans with your family this weekend, but let’s make sure we all take some time for ourselves over these next couple days. While you’re relaxing, check out some of our favorite reads.



The adoption wait is excruciating. In this week’s blog post, we talk about how to alleviate anxiety and focus on important tasks instead. 

Lots of people choose not to change their last name when they get married. So what happens when you have children?

Some states are making major head way in their anti-discrimination adoption laws. Is yours included?

Rachel Baxter from Make Something Beautiful talks about why “mom brain” is totally worth it.

Focus on the Family touches on what helps and hurts during the adoption process, including positive language, celebrating family, and more.

The List put together a compilation of really touching adoption stories.

Open adoption can be a scary thing. Lavender Luz puts it all into perspective.

We shouldn’t shy away from pediatric mental health — it’s a conversation that needs to be had. The Cradle addresses it head on.

Peggy Phelan is a faculty member at Stanford University. She shares why she teaches about adoption and literature in tandem.

As we come up on summer, it’s time to put together your reading list! Good Reads put together an awesome list full of adoption positive reads. Enjoy!