May 03, 2019
Have A Great Weekend: Children’s Health Edition
This week our roundup is themed around children’s health. There are so many excellent resources for new parents out there, and we think the below are particularly helpful. Check them out, and have a fabulous weekend!
Part of the adoption process is securing the professionals that will be in charge of your child’s health. This week on the blog, we highlighted some questions to ask your pediatrician to ensure your child’s needs are fully met.
Are you a foster parent who would like to insure your child? The Child Welfare Information Gateway highlights a variety of ways you can obtain coverage—from Medicaid to private insurance.
21+ million children are affected with a chronic physical, developmental, or mental condition that requires health services above and beyond the average child. Communikind is a free and excellent resource that can carry your child’s medical records into adulthood.
Speak Now For Kids is an online child advocacy network that helps families navigate the ever-changing health system. They partner with hospitals around the country to ensure that all children are insured.
Boston Children’s Hospital started a blog that takes readers on a journey through the eyes of a patient.
Rainbow Kids is an adoption and child welfare advocacy group, and they’ve nailed it when it comes to detailing, one by one, the physical and emotional conditions that can occur with adopted children.
When the Lockhead family set out to adopt their 20 month-old daughter from China, they consulted with the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s International Adoption. One of the biggest lessons they learned? Take advantage of every resource.
Language matters! Social workers are becoming more sensitized to families.
Lippincott Nursing Center investigated the role of nurses in the adoption triad, and how they affect the journey as a whole.
Most of us take our health histories for granted, because they’ve always been there. It’s not so simple for adopted or fostered children. U.S. News explores what happens when a medical history is revealed.