About Carrie

Carrie is a 47 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Architect.


Reading, sewing, crafting, home organization


Camping, spending time outside with family, gardening, DIY home projects

3 words that best describe you

Compassionate, energetic, creative

About Scott

Scott is a 48 year old CC and is Christian. He has a College degree and works as a Agricultural Loan Officer.


Fishing, canoeing, and boating


Spending time with family, fishing, and ranching

3 words that best describe you

Dependable, witty and loyal

More Info


I was raised by my mom and stepdad, who had two children of his own that I consider my siblings. I was always wanting to make my parents proud by being a good student in school and getting good grades. I was around houses a lot growing up since my mom and stepdad were both realtors and decided at an early age to become an architect. I was able to achieve that dream and have had the pleasure of living in several states before settling back in my home state of Missouri. I now continue to work as an architect and get to work from home every day. I am excited to build my family with Scott and hope to achieve our dreams of being parents through adoption.


I grew up as a farm kid with great parents, siblings, and family in general. I was very competitive as an athlete and academically in high school. I am blessed to have some awesome family and friends that I have made in life. I am enjoying a long, fulfilling and successful career with my employer where I get to serve in the financial needs of my clients that often reflect my own. We have also continued and increased a successful ranching business as a family. The best part of my life has only recently begun in the last four years with my marriage to Carrie. She has brought new and more fulfilling meaning to life every day and our future will be amazing!

Qualified for Adoption

Dear Birthmother,
Your selfless and courageous decision would be a life-changing opportunity for us to raise your child and grow our family. We have waited for so long to become parents. Our promise to you will be to provide every opportunity that we can for your child to discover who they are, what their talents are, and who they want to become. We promise to show them compassion, kindness, and thoughtfulness so that they may learn by example. We will encourage them to be adventurous, to discover new things, and to be creative. We will practice patience and help them understand that it’s okay to make mistakes and find their own path in life and know that we will support them in everything they do. We promise to show them that they should have fun in life and it’s good to be just goofy and silly sometimes.
Both of us were raised in families that withstood financial hardships at different points growing up, but this taught us to understand the difference between wants and needs. We believe that as parents, our past experiences and lessons learned along the way will help us teach the children we raise to become extraordinary adults. Each of our families were, and still are, close-knit. We will continue to provide that type of kinship with our children by raising them closely with our immediate and extended families and their traditions.
Finally, and most of all, we will love your child unconditionally, and vow to be the best parents that we can be. Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We hope that as you make this decision, you consider us to raise your child and fulfill our dream of being parents.

About Us

We have known each other since high school and became friends when we were about 17 in yearbook class together. We didn’t date until after high school when we were both home on break from college (a few times) and then again after we had both graduated college. Neither of us were really ready for a committed relationship back then.
Right after Carrie turned 40, she got to thinking about Scott: what was that guy up to? Did he ever get married? Scott was not on ANY social media but Carrie knew where he worked so she sent him a snail mail letter and her business card basically saying Hey! How are you doing? I hope you have a good life. Scott got the letter on the weekend and emailed Carrie on Monday. We had our first date a couple of weekends later and have been together since. After 2 years together in a long-distance relationship, Carrie sold her house and moved to Scott’s bachelor pad.
We eloped in 2020 and were married in Eureka Springs at a private ceremony with just the two of us. We had a fun wedding reception afterward in October.

Our Family and Friends

While both of our dads have passed away, we are fortunate that we are close to each of our moms, who both live within 45 minutes of our house.
We have immediate and extended family that live close to us that we see often. Scott’s sister, and both his nieces and nephew all live within 45 minutes from our house. His niece and nephew both have young children that will be part of our child’s life. Scott’s sister-in-law also lives close by with her young children.
We have a great group of close friends that we see often, many we would consider an extension of our family. Several of our friends have younger children that will be a big part of our children’s lives.
All of our friends and family are so excited for us to start our journey of parenthood!

Our Home

We live on a 100-acre farm in south central Missouri. We raise beef cattle at our home farm and share a larger farm with Scott’s mom, Ruth Ann, that is only a few miles away. Our home is a 2,400 square foot house with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a huge great room. Since she is a designer and loves DIY home projects, Carrie is always working on something to add some farmhouse charm to our home like new lighting and painting the kitchen cabinets. We have a deep front porch that runs along the entire length of the front of the house. It overlooks one of our pastures so we can sit in our chairs outside and see the cows with their calves or a bunch of deer.
Even though we live in the country, we know most of our neighbors. It’s a very quiet community but we can get to several towns within a few minutes. The closest one has a great playground! Our school district is small but has a very good education system.
We are only about 20 minutes away from the Arkansas border and very close to several state parks and rivers with natural springs on them, where we like to take our canoe or boat to fish and relax.