About Kristi

Kristi is a 46 year old CC and is Christian. She has a Post College degree and works as a Teacher.


Reading, crossword puzzles, gardening


Downhill skiing, sing and play flute in a band, hiking

3 words that best describe you

Kind, considerate, thoughtful

About Lars

Lars is a 56 year old CC and is Christian. He has a College degree and works as a Freight Forwwarder.


Cooking, exercise, do projects around the house


Hockey, downhill skiing, golf

3 words that best describe you

Kind, generous, fun

More Info


I have been teaching 7th grade science for 19 years. I love my job and sharing my passion for biology with middle schoolers. In my free time, I like to garden and volunteer with the Master Gardeners program, I love growing food in our own garden and finding creative ways to use it. We even do maple syrup in our yard! I also love the arts and I sing and play flute in a band. Lars and I like to balance quiet nights at home with spending quality time with friends and family.


I grew up in Denmark and moved to the United States when I was 21. My brother and I own a transporation franchise and work together everyday. I also still have family in Denmark and go to see them once a year. I enjoy my work as a freight forwarder because it is always challenging. In my free time, I like to play and watch hockey. I love to cook and entertain friends and family in our home. We have a pool and we love sharing pool time with our friends and family in the summer.

Qualified for Adoption

Dear birthmother, Thank-you for considering us to be the adoptive parents. We can imagine that this decision is difficult, and we respect your journey. We have been trying to be parents since we were married 7 years ago. We have tried all sorts of infertility treatments, (IUI, IVF, and donor eggs) and had 4 failed pregnancies (2 ectopic pregnancies, 1 early miscarriage at 10 weeks). The last few years have been a never-ending rollercoaster and full of heartbreak. We want so badly to welcome a little human into our lives and love him/her through all the ups and downs of life. We watch and help our friends and family raise their kids and understand that it isn’t always easy, but we feel like we are ready for the challenge and dream of sharing our lives with a little one. Thank-you for your consideration, Kristi and Lars

About us

We met through a mutual friend after both of us had previously married and divorced. Kristi says “Lars is one of the best things that happened to me! He is calm, smart, so kind, so generous, and fun!” Lars says, “Kristi is fun and considerate. She always tries to make sure everybody is having a good time and be the best person they can be.” We spend time in the backyard and the pool in the summer. We cozy up and watch movies and tv in the winter. We like to have people over for dinner. We love to travel together and usually go on a few trips a year.

Our Home

We live in a quiet suburb in Minnesota. We live on a little more than an acre at the end of a cul-de-sac. Our neighborhood has fun traditions of getting together before trick-or-treating and celebrating the winter solstice. Kristi has a big garden where she grows all sorts of vegetables and fruits. Lars is a great cook and together we make all sorts of good food from the garden. We have a pool and in the summer many weekends are spent with friends and family relaxing poolside. We like to entertain, and our basement is set-up with fun games and a movie room. Since we moved in 8 years ago, we have had an empty bedroom just waiting to be a nursery.

Our Family

We both are very close to our families. Kristi’s sister and brother-in-law have two kids in elementary school, and they are full of adventures and joy. Kristi’s parents are in their 70s and are very healthy. Her dad still plays basketball a few times a week! We love to travel with all of them and have gone sailing in the British Virgin Islands, skiing out West, and we all went to Denmark a few summers ago to visit Lars’ family. Lars is the baby in his family and has one brother that lives in Minnesota and one sister in Denmark. We have adult nieces and nephews on that side of the family, some here and some in Denmark. We travel to Denmark at least once a year to visit the Danish family. Lars’ mother passed in 2020 at the age of 87. His dad is healthy and still living independently at the age of 90. Everyone in our family knows about the hardships we have gone through in trying to have a child. They all fully support our decision to adopt and are very excited for the prospect for another family member!