About Megan

Megan is a 32 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Stay-at-home Mom/Former Teacher.


Camping, Sewing, Pet Goats


We enjoy vacationing, camping, spending time with family

3 words that best describe you

hard-working, organized, accountable

About Michael

Michael is a 34 year old CC and is Christian. He has a College degree and works as a IT/Computer Programmer.


Basketball, camping


Camping with the family, spending time with family, watching basketball, tinkering with computers

3 words that best describe you

hard-working, sense of humor, easy-going

More Info


I was raised in a Christian household with my Mom and Dad and my brother. We attended church and spent lots of family time together. My family was very close and we enjoyed camping and various activities together. I went to Messiah College for English Education for middle school through high school. I taught for a few years, got married, then became a stay-at-home mom once our boys were born. My husband and I are raising our boys in a loving Christian home. We were led to adoption because the history of preeclampsia made another pregnancy too dangerous.
I have one brother who is married and has two boys. I enjoy making our two boys clothing and playing with our pet goats.


I grew up in a Christian household with my Mom and Dad. We spent a lot of time together as a family and did many activities like hiking and camping. We had Labrador Retrievers when I was growing up. After high school I attended Lebanon Valley College for Computer Programming. I met my wife after college. We got married and had 2 boys. We were led to adoption because my wife’s pregnancies were complicated and another one would be too dangerous.

Currently Matched

We know the decision you are facing is hard, and we are grateful you are considering us to be the parents to your sweet child.
You are likely overwhelmed with many possible families and are trying to decide the lifestyle you wish for your baby to have.
We want you to know your baby would be so loved in our family. We hope to give your child all the opportunities and more
that life can give them. We have dreamed of growing our family for so long and would love the opportunity to welcome your
baby into our lives. We can’t wait to watch every milestone and share that with you if you’d like.
We pray for peace and ease in your decision and for it to be as smooth of a process as it can be during this time. We pray you
find comfort in your choice in where you place your baby to be raised and that you feel confident in the family you choose for
your sweet baby. We understand there are so many emotions involved and hope that if you choose us, it feels right. We, too,
are experiencing many emotions as we navigate this journey and can’t wait for your baby to experience our traditions, family
activities like camping, and playing with all our animals. Both sets of grandparents are always around and love seeing their
grandchildren often. We are a close knit family and share so many positive values and lots of love! We are so excited you’ve
taken the time to look at our profile and are hopeful you feel we are the parents for your baby.

About us

Michael and Megan met through mutual friends at Michaels work. His coworkers
decided to play matchmaking. It’s a funny story actually. Megan’s
mom works in another department in the same office as Michael. So,
Michael’s co-workers took pictures from her office and showed them to
Michael and persuaded them to become Facebook friends and start talking.
Megan and Michael met for the first time at Fox meadows creamery where
they got to know each other and found out their families enjoy similar hobbies
and interests like camping and family activities. They ended up dating for 2
years, went on many camping adventures together with both sets of parents
and enjoyed time with each other.

Our Boys

We have two sweet boys who keep life
fun! They both love to travel. They enjoy
riding bikes together. They love being
little helpers. Ezekiel says, “I want to
help wash the campoo (camper).” They
both love play time throughout the day
and impromptu picnics in the basement
on a rainy day. They love taking care of
their goats as well! And of course they
love playing with their trains, cars,
firetrucks, and planes!

Family Memories Made

Summer Vacation! We made lots of fun memories on our
vacation at Myrtle Beach. The best one was probably us trying to
get the best family photo with us all looking. We enjoyed the
time together, sunshine, and just taking a break from our dayto-
day life. Our hope is to do many small camping and cabin
weekend trips but to also plan at least one big family vacation a
year. We are hoping to make Yellowstone National Park one of
our trips! Otherwise, you can usually find us at the beach or a
state park!