May 03, 2011

A Day With Baby

The scene sets up like this: an adoptive family sitting in a hotel room with their adopted baby waiting for a call clearing them to travel home. Birthmother still has time to revoke but, a positive outcome seems likely. The phone rings and it isn’t about clearing ICPC, it is the adoption coordinator with news that the birthmother wants a day with her baby, alone, an entire day. Yikes! This has happened to two of our adoptive families in the past three weeks. This does not happen very often and when it has it typically means birthmom has changed her mind. Both families agreed to the visits reluctantly but with grace and respect. The adoptive parents spent a day on pins and needles but with all of the hope and faith an adoptive family possesses. The outcomes couldn’t have been better. Both babies were returned to their adoptive parents willingly probably with some reluctance but, a comfort in the decision they have made for their children. Birthmother involvement doesn’t always result in a failed adoption. It was no doubt a very scary day for these adoptive families. It is no doubt an impossible time for these birthmothers. It did result, though, in two very solid, peaceful placements.