For Adoptive Families
Below is some brief information about laws that dictate adoptions done in Ohio, as well as a list of Home Study Providers that operate in the state of Ohio, which will guide you in taking your first steps in the adoption journey. If you are an adoptive family that is just beginning your adoption journey, take the time to visit our ADOPTIVE FAMILY PAGE to gain some more insight into how adoption works.
Ohio Adoption Law
When it comes to laws that guide Ohio adoption, trying to find a brief and easily understood answer can be discouraging. Attempting to interpret what a distinct adoption law means can be mind-boggling. Because we get this, you can find a concise summary of a few of the most common Ohio adoption laws below. NOTE: Under no circumstances should this information be used as complete and total legal advice or applicable to your specific adoption. It is intended only to be a reference and not a complete list.
Consent to Adopt
The birth mother and birth father can sign consent anytime 72 hours after the birth. The signing of consent must be witnessed by a Social Worker or Attorney. Consent is irrevocable at signing without a court hearing. The state does have a birth father registry.
Birthmother Living Expenses
Birthmother living expenses are allowed to be paid with no specified maximum. Up to 30 days postpartum expenses may be allowable. The state requires that all birthmother living expenses must be disbursed by a licensed child-placing agency.
Adoption Finalization
Finalization may occur 6-12 months from the date consent to adopt is irrevocable. The state does allow non-residents to finalize in the state of Ohio. State statutes do allow finalization to take place in another state.