November 03, 2018
Adoption And Parenting News Roundup
Happy Saturday!
How are you doing? We’re just popping in to share some of our favorite reads of the week. Really good ones — a nice blend of inspiring and informative. Take them with you into your weekend and enjoy.
Peace is my home and my super power. “My name is Kate Powers. I was born in Seoul, South Korea and abandoned after birth. I have an American family in Missouri and a Korean family on the other side of the planet. This is one of the most unique, misunderstood, and underrepresented journeys in the world.”
Surviving the holidays while keeping the joy.
Children aren’t getting more respiratory viruses, it just seems that way.
The grief of an eight year-old living in the modern world.
Navigating adoption when your baby is suddenly a tween. “It was like all the sudden, Doc McStuffins and My Little Ponies and ballies in two-strand twists were no longer acceptable. It was all about Shopkins, K.C. Undercover, hip hop dancing, asking when she can have her own cell phone, and having sips of coffee with us on Saturday mornings.”
“How I’m talking to my black son about race and privilege.”
When do you step in and protect a child from themselves? “When do we step in and protect our children from themselves when it’s clear they’re in over their heads? When do we start making decisions for them, when we’re certain they have lost their way? It’s tricky. It’s messy. And it shouldn’t be done lightly if you have to do it.”
What is developmental trauma?