September 29, 2017
Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week
Hi! Happy Friday! How are you? Good, we hope. Let’s start off the weekend with something interesting to read, shall we?
Enjoy. We’ll see you Monday!
Have you struggled with how to talk about adoption with your non-adopted kids? This article provides some excellent thoughts on the subject.
Real adoptive parents answer: how did they tackle tricky school assignments like family trees so they fit the needs of their child? One mother says, “I explained to her teacher that this was a difficult topic, because a response would require explaining a great deal about her early years. Although she is proud of her Chinese name and heritage, she did not want to explain the details of her adoption to her classmates. Her teacher was kind and understanding. With her prompting, other students volunteered that the assignment was difficult for them, as well. The teacher provided several alternatives for completing the assignment, one of which was chosen by our relieved daughter.”
Adopting from foster care…this mama breaks down some misconceptions. “On my very first date with my husband, I mustered the courage to ask him the one question that would be a deal breaker. ‘How do you feel about adoption?’ His answer was encouraging, so I took a deep breath and asked one more question, ‘How would you feel about adopting from foster care?'”
When you’re deciding when you want to become a parent, there is no doubt that finances are a factor. This conversation has only become increasingly challenging for young couples who are likely saddled with student loan debt and emerging into adulthood with financial insecurities. Time offers some tips for tackling this tough conversation.
In the UK, adoptive families are facing some serious challenges—from violence to trauma.
What do we know about failed adoption matches?
Do you know everything you need to know about birth parent rights?
From a birth mother’s perspective: how can people support friends or family members who are pregnant and have made an adoption plan?