February 23, 2018

Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week

Happy Friday!

How are you doing? Feeling good about the week? Ready for the weekend?

We’ve got some excellent reads in our roundup today. Some truly informative pieces that have a lot to offer about the adoption process, ways to be a stronger parent, and how to love and support your kids as best as possible. We hope you enjoy, and find something new that gives a little spark to your day.

Thanks for being a part of our community. We are so lucky to share this journey with you, and will see you next week!

Big hugs. xo

There is a lot of information about supporting adoptive kids in a biological family, but what about supporting biological children in an adoptive family? “In our desire to support our foster and adoptive children sometimes we forget that biological kids need support too. Our children who live securely in our home should be gracious hosts, but they are also still children. …When a child is adopted the new siblings must shift and change. Bedrooms, seats at the dinner table, sometimes even birth order. Even if the placement is only for a short time the shift feels big to those who are shifting.”

Building, or breaking, a child’s spirit.

How do you navigate ambiguity in adoption? A birth mother and her biological daughter talk about the more ambiguous parts of adoption, like when Hannah turned 18 and the original structure set in place by their adoption plan suddenly had more grey areas than before.

On transracial parenting and instilling pride in a child of another race.

103 random acts of kindness that can flip the script on a normal day and send something extraordinary out into the world.

Parentings adopting children may see higher fees and new rules.

Have you heard about the Adoption Exchange’s Lending Library? It’s a free service for parents who want to have access to more parenting resources. “The library is created in an easy-to-use format where patrons can check out up to three items at a time for up to six weeks, with postage included to return the items free of charge.”