April 06, 2018
Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week
Happy Friday loves! The weekend is here!
We’re celebrating as always with our favorite reads of the week — a stunning lineup of stories covering topics such as babies as roommates, raising positive thinkers, why adoption is not about you, the secrets we keep from our children and so much more.
Read, enjoy, share, learn something, and take care of yourself this weekend.
Thank you so much for being apart of our beloved community.
Adoption is not about you. “I wish I had known how stupid it was to say we don’t see color. I wish I had known how important it is/will be to have racial mirrors for my kids. I wish I had known/valued more how VERY important it is to keep my kids stories their own, I totally over shared at the beginning with my first. I can’t take that back.”
On raising positive thinkers. “We can teach our children that sometimes things don’t go our way, but eventually the tides will turn. Also, we can allow them to hear us “talk ourselves through” tough times. For example: “Oh, this is tough. I’m going to take a few breaths and figure out what to do. I’ll handle this. I’ll get through this!” The goal is not to deny difficult feelings, the goal is to acknowledge them and deal with them effectively! That’s a game-changer!”
What’s it like when your baby is your roommate?
Truth time: have you ever wondered if your adopted child will love you as much as if you were their birth parent?
Buying the lie about infertility after adoption.
A beautiful interview with a birth mother about her life after adoption. “Yes. I wonder if he hates me. When I really think about it, I’m sure he doesn’t. I was able to get to know his parents before he was born and I was able to tell them my reasons for choosing adoption. I was 17 when he was born; I wasn’t ready to be a parent. His parents know that I did adoption because I wanted the best for him. I believe this is what they tell him if he asks.”
Is there something you’re not sharing with your adopted child? Why?
A very compelling interview about Ethiopia’s ban of foreign adoptions. “The move was sparked by the death of an Ethiopian girl at the hands of her adoptive parents in Seattle. Critics say the new policy may mean more Ethiopian children living in the streets.”
The stats on child trafficking are staggering.