August 17, 2018
Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week
Happy Friday!
How’s your week going? So good, we hope.
Lots of great pieces for you today, including: activities to boost language development for newborns, thoughts on rebranding motherhood, nurturing a child who wants to meet their birth parents, opening up to your child’s teachers about their past, and so much more.
Thank you so much for being a part of our community. We are so grateful for you!
Woops! What happens if the Tooth Fairy doesn’t come?
Preparing to welcome a newborn into your home? Love these activities for encouraging language development for babies 0-3. They’re also great for supporting attachment! Talking, singing, and reading to your little one are beautiful ways to bond and nurture.
Does your child have ADHD? Here are four excellent strategies for planning a successful family outing.
What would happen if we rebranded motherhood? “Maybe we need to say that to each other a bit more. Maybe more of us would have children if it weren’t seen as such an exercise in sacrifice. If we weren’t told that we were going to lose every bit of the self we had finally grown to love.”
How much do you share with your children’s teachers about their past? Some share it all, some share very little, and others keep it on a need-to-know basis. You deserve the approach that works best for you.
The British Association of Social Workers have conducted a study and believe that adoption law should be reformed, and children should be in closer contact with their birth parents. “They can stop having fantasies about these wonderful parents that they were stolen away from, or equally that they were absolutely terrible people. It’s about their identities. Adopted people told us that identity is a lifelong issue for them. Where do I come from? Who do I belong to?”
What happens when your child wants to meet their birth parents? The New York Times shares some excellent guidelines for navigating the meeting as successfully as possible.
8 common myths about foster care dispelled.