October 27, 2018

Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week


This is such a fun week for little ones, and a fun week for anyone who loves little ones. The joy of preparing costumes, trick or treating, the unfathomable candy indulgence. We hope it’s an enjoyable week for you, too!

We’re popping in to share some of our favorite reads of the week. And now we’re off to enjoy this gorgeous fall weather. Take care of yourself this weekend, and share a meaningful moment with someone you love.

We’ll see you next week!



“The day I met my newborn baby girl through adoption.”

Foster care and adoption, no ordinary walk in the valley.

6 crucial things every adoptive parent must do.

What birth parents really want in updates. “Birth parents don’t just want updates for the good of life. It is not realistic that life is always good. While you may feel that by being an adoptive parent, you have to be perfect or a better parent than most, that is a ridiculously high standard, and you’re setting yourself for unnecessary stress. So share it all—the good feels and the bad. Share with us like you would your sister or your friend from college. We just want to know all the parts of the person we brought into the world.”

What it’s like to be an Asian adoptee in a white family in a white town.

Mom, why didn’t you tell me your job was so hard?

What do you think about hanging your kids’ artwork around the house?

Products to help your newborn sleep better (and you, too), tested by the experts.

These funny cartoons perfectly capture life with kids.