February 02, 2019
Adoption and Parenting Reads of the Week
Happy Saturday!
Enjoy some of our favorite stories of the week!
Jana Wolff shares the story of her family’s journey through the process of interracial adoption.
Tis the season of inclimate weather. Keep some ideas in your back pocket to pull out on days when the kids are stuck inside.
The last few decades have seen a huge increase in families headed by single mothers, which also translates to the adoption world. Learn more about a working, single parent’s journey to adopt a child.
Children adopted as infants are affected by a different set of milestones throughout their lives. Learn how to understand adoption from a developmental approach.
A few years back, The Early Show did a 6-part series exploring different facts and facets of the adoption process. Check out a part of their story here.
Abbie Goldberg, P.h.D., takes us through common adoption mistruths and stigmas and helps us find ways to confront them.
Dive into Glenn Morey’s journey of being adopted into the US from South Korea in 1960. He delves deep into international adoption in his documentary “Side x Side”. Glenn’s adult adoptee voice is changing the narrative, indeed.
While same sex couples now have the legal right to marry, it’s not so simple for same sex adoption. Here are some of the obstacles that same sex couples face while trying to navigate the adoption process.
Reactive Attachment Disorder is part of the adoption process sometimes. Tina Traster tells her story on how she helped her daughter overcome RAD.
As always, it’s important to know how to deflect those intrusive and ignorant adoption questions. Meredith Resnick aka “Tough Cookie” and Dr. Michelle Borba show us how to educate people when they intrude.
Have a safe and happy weekend!