April 22, 2014

Adoption News Round-up

Here’s a look at some of the interesting stories hitting the adoption world this week:

The BBC has launched two groundbreaking adoption shows, bringing a whole new level of public understanding to adoption. “15,000 Kids and Counting” showcases the thousands of children up for adoption each year; the show’s title takes its inspiration from the 15,000 children who were adopted in Britain in 2013—doubling the number from five years ago! This is such an important movement for adoption…getting these children out there, getting them homes, and building families. Put this on your queue and share with everyone you know!

An adoptive mama shares her story about taking her child to see “Lyle Finds His Mother,” a play about adoption. It’s a sweet tale of how adoption works its way into our lives in such beautiful ways, and how parent and child can communicate together about adoption.

What do you know about international adoption, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Christianity?

Another win for adoption equality, same-sex marriages and a whole host of new families able to give children homes! Congratulations, Malta!

A Maryland candidate for governor just released a new ad campaign highlighting his relationship with his adopted son. Some pretty cool stuff.

Why do you think there has been a decline in international adoptions? The politics involved? The question about whether the child was legally placed for adoption? Uncertainties about background? The Huffington Post investigates.

This insightful article examines the phenomenon of birth mother rejection, even after a perfectly wonderful reunion between the child and birth parents. What is the root cause of that, and how can we help both adoptees and birth mothers through that process?

If you’re a parent, chances are you’ve difficulty communicating with your kids at some point. Powerhouse adoptive mom Kristen Howerton shares some excellent tips about creating a culture where our children want to and feel comfortable confiding in us.