September 24, 2016
Adoption News Roundup
Happy weekend!
We hope you had a wonderful week and that you have much to enjoy this weekend.
These reads caught our eye this week and have provided moments of inspiration, awareness, knowledge, emotion, and all the glorious things that happen when you read something that hits your heart.
Enjoy, and we’ll see you Monday!
This has nothing to do with adoption, but it has everything to do with building a family and maintaining a long-lasting, healthy, happy relationship. What could be more meaningful than that? This New York Times piece talks to married couples who were high school sweethearts about how their love has matured over the years.
Paternity should NOT be an afterthought when we talk about paid family leave. No matter how your child comes into your family, all parents deserve ample time to bond with their new little one.
Are you trying to choose which formula is best for your baby? Thanks to Adoptimist for this helpful piece!
This beautiful letter shows how easily compassion comes to kids…how can we ensure they’re able to keep this as they grow?
In tears after this sweet, sweet story about a mother who came to another mother’s aid while her child was having a public meltdown. As parents we should TAKE CARE of each other, not demonize one another!
A very interesting and important piece on the subject of adoption as charity, or adopting children from certain countries to “save” them.
Millennial dads are prioritizing parental leave…you go, Millennial dads!
A very positive film review of Storks — good to read if you’re thinking about bringing your children to see it in the theatre!
Love this piece from the Huffington Post’s “Let Love Define Family” series, which is posting a new story each Friday in September about foster and adoptive parents who chose to place the needs of children ahead of their own. This week tells the beautiful stories of Amy and Monica Smith, and their remarkable journey to parenthood.