October 22, 2014

Blogging about Transracial Adoption

Parenting and raising a transracial family is an incredible thing, but it doesn’t come without its challenges. We always find it so inspiring to see other transracial families out there doing their thing—how they make it work, the rewards, the challenges, the huge successes. Here are some of our favorite blogs who focus on transracial adoption and parenting. Do you follow any of these, or have any favorites of your own?


Rage Against The Minivan. We talk about Kristen Howerton all the time because she’s hilarious, super relevant, incredibly smart and just plain awesome. She has a gorgeous transracial family of her own and is an empowering advocate. This one should be at the top of your blog roll!

White Sugar, Brown Sugar. First of all, what an awesome name. Second of all, the blog’s tagline “the sweet life of our transracial, adoptive family” is pretty cute, too. The blog’s author, Rachel, even has a book! She and her blog are an incredible face for transracial adoption and she has so many great resources that would be excellent for any parent in need of a little extra guidance.

A Birth Project. Lisa Marie is a vibrant activist, performer and all-around adoption advocate whose blog shares her experience being a black woman raised by a white family. She has created a rich source of adoption discourse and also shares her very personal struggles as she sought to find her birth family. A wonderful blog to share with your children, and vital for anyone looking to better understand what it’s like to grow up in a family whose race is different than your own.

No Greater Joy Mom. This mama has “three sons the good old fashioned way, two special needs princesses from China, two angelic treasures who have Down syndrome from Ukraine, and two amazing blessings who also have profound special needs recently adopted from Bulgaria–you can read Hasya’s story here and Kael’s story here.” We love her family’s rich diversity!

Do you have any favorites you want to add to the dialogue? Comment on our Facebook page and share it with the One True Gift community!