About Mara

Mara is a 37 year old CC and is Christian. She has a Post College degree and works as a Social Worker.


Reading, Kayaking, Traveling, Attending music concerts and festivals, gardening


Spending time with family and friends, water activities, exploring new places

3 words that best describe you

Compassionate, Loving, Empathetic


is a year old and is . She has a degree and works as a .

More Info


I have always known that when it was time to grow my family, I wanted to do so through adoption. My sister-in-law was adopted, and several of my friends have been adopted, and I have witnessed the beautiful relationships and families that are created through adoption. I am so looking forward to being a single mom and being able to focus all my attention on my child. I have an excellent support system who are equally excited about my adoption journey. I live in a small town where it is safe to play outside, and everyone supports each other. In summer, I spend my time on the water. I live within 5 minutes of a lake and a river. I also live near a bike path and many hiking trails. There are five colleges nearby, which provide access to an abundance of activities. I am a social worker and work with veterans struggling with substance use and PTSD.

Currently Matched

First, thank you for taking the time to get to know me. Please know that I am glad to answer any additional questions you may have. You’ve come to this place in your life with your own unique interests and desires for what you want your adoption to look like; please know I recognize this is a huge decision for you, and regardless of what happens in the end, I hope that you feel peace about the decision you make. As a parent, I promise that your child’s happiness and wellbeing will be my number one priority in life. I promise to maintain contact with you to the extent you desire, and I promise that your child will know their adoption story and will know about you as they grow.

My Support System

In my immediate family there is my grandmother, mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces. I’m also close to my extended family, which is made up of aunts, uncles, and cousins. It’s been really cool watching my cousins become parents. I hope my future child is close to their cousins like I was growing up.

My parents live nearby and are so excited about having another grandchild. My nieces named my mom “Mimi” and my dad “D”. One of the things I love about my family is that we are always there for each other. I know I can reach out to any of my family at any time, and they’d be there for me. We really value spending time together as a family.

Family Traditions

We have big gatherings for birthdays, with immediate and extended family attending. Years ago, we started a tradition of singing “Happy Birthday” as terribly as we possibly can–everyone sings at their own pace and in their own key, with no one starting or ending simultaneously. We also spend time together kayaking, boating, going to freak markets, and browsing local festivals.

We celebrate all the holidays together. My favorite holiday tradition is holiday baking with my mom and nieces. We make peanut butter balls, fudge, chocolate chip cookies, and homemade hot chocolate and then watch a Christmas movie together.


I plan to teach my future child the Christian values of love and grace.
I hope to instill in them empathy for others and an understanding that everyone has their own story and struggles.
I will raise my future child to understand that it is okay to make mistakes and encourage them to have the bravery to face their mistakes and try new things.
My future child will know that our family values love, safety, and acceptance.
I plan to raise my future child with an awareness and appreciation of other cultures.