About Sarah

Sarah is a 33 year old CC and is . She has a degree and works as a .


Small engines, HAM Radio, and bike riding.


I like to take family bike rides and evening walks, work on my garden tractor, and fly kites when the weather permits.

3 words that best describe you

Loyal, thoughtful, kind.

About Michael

Michael is a 37 year old CC and is . He has a degree and works as a .


Crafting, painting, sewing and bike riding.


Bike rides and going for family walks, exploring new museums or parks as a family, occasional hikes, and winter skiing.

3 words that best describe you

Kind, compassionate, loyal.

More Info


Hi, I’m Sarah. I am 32 years old and consider myself an extrovert. I love Jesus, my family, teaching/homeschooling, and volunteering on the local Ambulance. I am the second of 6 children, and enjoy having my family living close by! We regularly get together with various Aunts/Uncles/Cousins/Grandparents, and seeing our children growing up together is a joy. My deepest hope is that my children will see the love of Jesus lived out through me in our everyday lives, and that they too will grow to love Him.


Hi, I’m Mike. I am 35 years old and consider myself an introvert. I enjoy learning, and am often found researching something that has caught my attention – often related to engines, radios or bikes. I take great joy in family activities – whether that is taking walks, hikes, or bike rides together, or traveling several hours to view the solar eclipse! More than anything I love the Lord. I want to honor God in everything I do, and love as Jesus loved

Qualified for Adoption

We are honored that you are taking the time to look at our profile. We recognize that women (and couples) explore the option of adoption for any number of reasons, and most often those reasons are hard. We see your bravery in this process, and we pray that you find every support needed throughout this journey. Should you choose our family, your child would grow up in a beautiful small town, with a close-knit extended family, a vibrant church community, active parents, and a loving big sister who was also adopted. Mike works just 5 minutes from home, and Sarah is an active stay-at-home mom. We homeschool and are active in our church. More than anything, we love Jesus and want our children to see that as they grow. We recognize that you love your child/children deeply, and we do not take lightly the weight of this decision for you. Because we want you to have complete confidence and peace in this decision, we welcome all of your questions. We care deeply for you and are praying for you.

Our Story

We have been married for eleven years, and we have one daughter, Bella, who came to us through the foster system. From the moment she walked through our door, Bella has lit up our lives. She is compassionate and outgoing, loves beyond her years, and has energy for every moment! When her biological family was unable to be reunified, she was left a ward of the state. Though our hearts were heavy for her first family, we were overjoyed to give her the permanency that every child deserves. Adopting Bella was one of the happiest moments of our lives! Having experienced this joy, we are hoping to grow through adoption again.

Our Extended Family

Mike is an only child, and Sarah is the second of six! Mike went to a small private school where his Mom taught, and Sarah was homeschooled. Four (soon to be five!) of Sarah’s siblings are also married, with children, and live locally. We currently have six nieces and a nephew, though there is talk of those numbers expanding in the next year or two. As our family gatherings continue to grow in size, the love just keeps expanding! Both sides of our family are supportive of our decision to pursue another adoption and look forward to welcoming more children into the growing extended family

Daily Life

Our days are full of fun learning and life. While Mike is at work, Bella and I often play music and sing as we complete daily tasks such as dishes or laundry, together. Our school time is a mixture of bookwork, read-aloud’s, and nature studies. We pay special attention to reading, math, and nature studies in the early years. We aim to build a foundational love of learning and a joy in making discoveries. When Mike gets home from work he often reads a book with Bella before tending to whatever tasks need his attention for that day. He welcomes her company, encouraging her to ‘help’ and learn as they go. He looks forward to teaching our children many practical life skills, such as how to change the oil in the car, how to mow the lawn, and how to build a go-cart… though I’m not so sure that go-cart building is as ‘practical’ as it is fun! We typically wrap up the day by taking a family bike ride or walk through our neighborhood, then reading the Bible together before tucking Bella into bed for the night. Post kiddo’s bedtime, we take care of any computer work needing our attention, finish up house chores that we missed during the day, and spend some time together before heading to bed ourselves.