About Shannon
Shannon is a 37 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Administrative Officer.
3 words that best describe you
Shannon is a 37 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Administrative Officer.
3 words that best describe you
Michael is a 34 year old CC/AS and is Christian. He has a College degree and works as a Engineer.
3 words that best describe you
I live with my husband. Our house is on 4 acres. We have 2 dogs and 5 rabbits. I work full-time, remote. I like to go to new places whether it’s a restaurant or a vacation. My dream is to have a large family.
I work full-time as an engineer. I enjoy spending my free time with my wife. I like to buy older cars and fix them to resell. I want a family with at least 3 kids. I also enjoy going to the movies and watching football.
A little introduction into our World: Mike has a bachelor’s degree in engineering. Shannon has a bachelor’s degree in international business. We both work full-time but Shannon will leave her job and become a stay-at-home mother to give our child all the attention in the world. We want a family to share our love with. We have the nursey ready for our baby to come home to. Let us know what your favorite color is and we will paint the nursey that color. We are already researching preschools! Our parents live close by, and they visit frequently. Mike’s sister and Brother-n-law, who live close by as well, just had a baby. Our baby will have grandparents, an aunt and uncle and a cousin, very close to grow up with. We live on 4 acres and Mike is a handyman who can’t wait to build a playground in the backyard for our child. Shannon is into arts and crafts and is looking forward to creating fun experiences with finger paint and playing with toys and reading. We live near Washington DC, mountains, and the Ocean where we travel to for vacations. We like to hike and go fishing in our free time.