December 17, 2016


Okay, Christmas is one week away, but that doesn’t mean you have to panic! Whether you’ve just started shopping or need a few last gifts to round things out, here are the treats we’ve had our eye on for little ones this month.

One Thousand Things — love this sweet book for learning first weeks. Perfect for your littlest one who is just getting ready to start talking!

You will never go wrong with this 36-piece mega pack Play Doh kit.

Magnatiles! Like legos, but magnets. Nearly 1,700 positive Amazon reviews can’t be wrong. These babies are golden.

Encourage those creative young minds with a drawing journal! 642 things to draw — we love it.

We adore this comic book cookbook for kids. It’s creative, so entertaining, and gets your littles into the kitchen with you doing hands-on things. You can never start them too early!

Make your kid the coolest one on the block with these super sweet Sesame Street temporary tattoos. Who wouldn’t love these?

Do you have a voracious reader in the family? We love this Literary Young Adult subscription box. Three books a quarter, all delivered straight to your doorstep.

How cool is this make-your-own computer kit? Perfectly for the tech-minded one in your family! Bonus: it’s a much more creative way of engaging technology, as opposed to watching them sit on their phone all. day. long.

Most of these can be ordered straight from Amazon, with Prime 2-day shipping to quell all your biggest “WHEN AM I GOING TO FIND TIME TO SHOP!?!??!” fears.

And finally — donations! The world is in crisis right now. There is no doubt about that. Donating to an organization in your child’s name not only introduces them to the concept of donating, and how important it is, but it’s an opportunity for them to learn about an organization or group of individuals who are less privileged than they. A beautiful tradition to start in any family.

Good luck, Godspeed, and may you have a wonderful, and hopefully not too frantic, last week before the holiday!