1. Know their passwords. Kids are on-the-go and able to use a variety of social media programs in an instant, and you should be able to check in and see what they’re looking at and who they’re talking to. Studies have shown that nearly half of kids under 17 who have cell phones have sent or posted a sexually suggestive image, and that’s not a statistic to be taken lightly. They’re sure to see this as a scoff-worthy invasion of privacy, but this should be a non-negotiable—especially if you’re paying for their bill.
2. Set an age limit. Just like with movies and explicit music, social media should come with an age limit. And it should be the same for every child in the house. It gives them something to look forward to and they can’t claim unfairness against their other siblings.
3. Talk about it. It’s safe to say that most kids have no idea what sorts of predators are lurking on the internet, or what it means to give out personal information to people they don’t know. Or even how searchable they now are to future employers. It’s so important that you sit down and have a talk with your children about the dangers of social media before they begin using it. They need to fully understand the risks involved, and what it means to have so much information so public–including the long-term consequences of posting certain content.
4. Understand the programs. You can’t talk about risks with your children unless you understand the programs they’re using. That doesn’t mean you need to establish an epic Twitter feed, but you should be familiar with the programs you’re children are using so that you can be aware of, and educate them about, the risks involved.
5. Keep their profiles private. This makes them less searchable, providing a stronger boundary against predators, and also helps to ensure that their virtual friends are also their real-life friends. The more people your children are friends with that they don’t know, the more dangerous their social media involvement becomes.
6. Use filtering software. This great piece about protecting children’s internet safety from Parenting.com offers helpful tips for tracking and filtering the content your children have access to on the internet. “There are software suites you can purchase to monitor your child’s Internet usage; many even enable you to view the exact keys that were typed, time spent online and all computer activity in general. Popular programs such as Net Nanny and PureSight PC let you monitor social media sites, block chats, filter content and much more. You can even monitor your child’s cell phone with a software program like My Mobile Watchdog.”
Do you have any special rules about social media in your home? We’d love to hear what works for you! Share with our community on our Facebook page, or tweet us @onetruegift.