April 07, 2017
Link Roundup
Hi friends — happy Friday!
We’re on the cusp of spring, which is always an invigorating time. Get outside this weekend, move your legs, breathe in some fresh air, and look forward for what’s to come.
And when you have a minute to relax, here are our favorite reads of the week.
Enjoy, and we’ll see you Monday!
This amazing couple just can’t stop adding kids to their family.
Three reasons not to villify a child’s birth mother. “More often than not, the conclusions people draw about our children’s birth parents are far from funny. They are not flattering and they are often teetering on the line of curious and rude. Unlike momma jokes, the exaggerated insults are assumed to be true. Maybe you are wondering if your comment about a child’s birth mother is inappropriate. A good rule of thumb is to return to the middle school way of thinking: You can tease someone about their clothes, you can raz someone about their grades, but do NOT make fun of someone’s Momma!”
What PTSD teaches us about human frailty and resilience. “I don’t define resilience as the absence of PTSD; I just don’t. I think that people can have PTSD and be extraordinarily resilient. I also think that just because you don’t have PTSD doesn’t mean you’re unscathed or unaffected. I think our experiences change us. Little experiences also change us, maybe a little, and big experiences change us a lot. The question is, can we get to a place where we take our traumatic experiences that have changed us and somehow recalibrate or readapt to our new life with our transformed self.”
Grandparents represent a bigger chunk of our population than ever before.
Two sisters present their stepmom with adoption papers for her birthday…get ready for tears!
These Colorado parents adopted four siblings who matched in age with their four biological children!
Hundreds of couples were devastated after this adoption agency’s sudden collapse. The piece also shares some interesting reporting on the current state of adoption.
Very touched by Joanna Goddard’s honest post about motherhood on her blog. She opened up about the way social media often misleads us into thinking everyone else’s lives are perfect, when ours feel like never enough—acknowledging that her own social media accounts project that very reality.”Social media doesn’t show everything,” she admits. She shared that she and her husband have been enduring a difficult situation as parents, but that right now, it’s “not my story to tell.”