February 24, 2017
Link Roundup
Happy Friday!
Here are some of our favorite reads from the week. Take care, relax, and enjoy the weekend ahead!
“A letter to my daughter on her Bat Mitzvah.” A beautiful piece on adoption and belonging.
Are you or someone you know raising a child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Here are some strategies for parents who are struggling.
Are you interested in cloth diapering your newborn? This lovely, thoughtful piece will leave you inspired.
Fathers want to feel confident about their role as parent, too. “In fact, since 1965, fathers have more than doubled their family involvement. This includes spending more time with their kids as well as devoting additional time to household tasks like grocery shopping, cooking, and cleaning. Fathers and mothers equally report that parenting is an essential part of their identities and that balancing work and home life is challenging.”
Did any of these sitcoms influence your parenting? “I don’t think there’s anyone who grew up, certainly in the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s, who wasn’t influenced by seeing family life on television,” she said. Some of it was aspirational, like, “Wow, I wish I was in that family,” or in the case of the Bundys of “Married with Children,” it was, “Oh, my gosh, I have it so much better than them,” said Ciulla Lipkin, a mom of two.
“Parenting my teen feels really lonely right now.”
These two podcasting parents talk about what it’s like to parent a gender non-conforming child.
An interesting piece on co-parenting, and the different reasons people choose it.
“Dear World, it isn’t that hard to include my child with special needs.” “You can never, ever just sign up your child with special needs for a so-called typical youth program. First, you have to pave the way. Sometimes, you have to nudge people past the obstacles in their minds. Sometimes, you try and bulldoze your way in only to find the roadblocks are insurmountable.”